Team Members:

Dr. Isabelle Mareschal (Lab Head)

Research interests:

I perform both basic and applied research on visual perception in humans and my research has two streams.

1) My basic research program examines how controlled measurements of visual perception can be extended to realistic stimuli and situations. This research examines how humans detect simple or basic visual features (such as edges) within a natural environment and how things such as attention can improve our performance.

2) I am also developing a research program that addresses basic issues of social neuroscience, investigating how good we are at making judgements of other people’s gaze and facial expressions. I plan to develop this research with clinical collaborations to use robust psychophysical evaluations of visual disorders associated with some clinical populations (e.g. conduct disorder; autism spectrum disorder, etc.). The goal of these tests is to provide early diagnostic capabilities and, potentially, develop training tools to help improve performance.

Joseph Florey (graduate Student)


Nicola Binetti (postdoctoral researcher, co-supervised with Alan Johnston, UCL)


Charlotte Harrison (graduate student co-supervised with Alan Johnston, UCL)


Hussain Ismail Ahamed Miflah (graduate student)